Saturday, 15 August 2009

6 months anniversary

so in 2 days it will be six months since I took off from Warsaw Fryderyk Chopin Airport. on Wednesday it was 25 weeks of my stay in Akureyri.
blink of an eye that's how fast it passed.
much have happened, true. but still! it's hard to believe.

Monday exams and King's Cup (drinking card game every Monday evening). Easter break and gipsy trip around Iceland.
May with finals and June with study tour.
beautiful summer weather was here for two weeks only. temperatures up to 20 degrees!! and I got tanned :)
new semester has started on June 15. Biofuels & Bioenergy Concentration. only 5 people in the group, mainly Icelandic professors. and my favourite biochemistry.

it's green everywhere, weather is grey, wind's chilly. and night is back. for few weeks outside was simply amazing. that's sun from June 22 at 01:15 am. setting!!

but now days is getting shorter by 10 minutes every day. soon it will get dark for 20h a day. uh...

some camping trips.

Fish Day 08.08.09 - great festive with free well prepared fish, music, camping, fireworks and good weather!!! and great company (only my camera broke down ;( )

it's great to be here. only sometimes I cry myself to sleep. incomparably less...