Monday 4 December 2006

being 23...

today i'm 23.
really? am i? i keep on counting because i don't really believe it.
i have an impression that i must have skipped a year, forgot about one, or add one.

23. i could have a family by now. or a job. it's time when being adult and mature is normal.
but at the same time i feel that it's so stupid and immature to think that at the age of 23 you are actually a grown-up!

this way or another I AM 23...

should i have achieved something? succeed? be someone? have something?
is that the best time for it?
or maybe it's just a beginning? a foundation? a time when you can still be a child of your parents?

it is both, isn't it?
and that's what is beautiful about this time, the time of being in your early twenties...
it is understood and accepted to go on along any of those paths...

so i wish myself good choices and straight paths
true friends
many interesting experiences and adventures
and a good heart in me and for me

happy birthday B. !!