Thursday 7 December 2006


i had a really nice evening with my Erasmus students...

and when i got back home, i found some e-mails...
his e-mails...

that's good.
although i feel like brain washed...
pity that we didn't make to talk today, i think i need it.

and really, since i can't make up my mind, i am hoping that 'the time will tell'

actually the time would have to become an orator ;)
or a politician...

and i got a cup with a happy sheep!
it's yellow, and the mug is orange.
and the card, of course with a sheep also, is blue.
in the window hangs the 'wondering sheep in love' ;)

and who said that i had a bad hair?? at least it is easy to buy me a present!

so, it is a bed time now.
i will go and count some sheep...